In part 4 of the seek, serve, share series from Immanuel Bible Church, Michael looks at the grumblers in Israel and the great servants in Rome.
Serve Him Faithfully: Romans 12
- The influence of godly individuals can have a profound impact on others.
- Memorizing Romans 12 can provide a foundation for living the Christian life.
- Transformation occurs through the renewing of the mind and thinking with sound judgment and humility.
- Using our spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ brings fulfillment and growth.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“We want to think about serving Him faithfully as our lifelong ministry, being involved in His ministry, and how you and I are involved in serving Christ faithfully. In Romans 12:1, Paul is urging them. He’s marshaling forth evidence. He’s encouraging them by the grace and mercy of God to understand how to live a godly life. In other words, Paul says, ‘I want to urge you toward a godly life motivated by God’s mercy. I want to motivate you by God’s grace and mercy to live a godly life.’
Now, I think it’s a lifelong assignment to appreciate God’s mercy and God’s grace. I do not think by nature we appreciate and understand how gracious God is, how merciful God is. We need to remember, recall, refresh ourselves, because it’s too easy to forget how merciful He’s been. It’s easy for me to forget. And we need to constantly remind ourselves, do we take our lives for granted? Our health, our home, our families, the relative ease with which most of us enjoy life, do we take it for granted? Do we understand by God’s incredible kindness, He’s blessed us with these things?”