How radically ordinary hospitality could save your neighbor. Michael Easley interviews Rosaria Butterfield, author of The Gospel Comes with a House Key.
Driven by an intense desire for answers, Dr. Rosaria Butterfield mined the Bible for truth; it was then she declared pride her greatest transgression. Listen to Dr. Butterfield’s account of awakening and repentance. #InGodsImage
How does philosophy help us defend our faith as Christians? Dr. Bryan O’Neal shares how philosophy is deeply critical to being faithful witnesses in today’s world.
Our struggles do not define us; they simply reflect the brokenness of man. A brokenness that can be healed only through God’s redemption.
Rosaria Butterfield calls pride both a personal self-defense mechanism and a “root” sin. Learn more about Dr. Butterfield’s thoughts on community in the context of Scripture in Part 2 of our chat.