Ask Dr. E Should Christians Raise Their Kids to Believe in Santa? Q: What do you think about Christian families raising their kids to believe in Santa? Can Christians believe in Santa? Is it right or wrong; what did you do? Listen
Sermons How’s Your Approval Rating? (John 12:37-50) Michael originally taught ‘How’s Your Approval Rating?’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:37-50. Listen
Ask Dr. E Is Messianic Judaism a Valid Belief? Q: Is Messianic Judaism a valid belief? Didn’t all the apostles that were Jews convert to Christianity (believers in Christ)? Listen
Ask Dr. E Do We All Worship The Same God? Q: Do Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God? Is this even possible based on differing definitions of who God is? Listen
Sermons The Supremacy of Jesus (John 3:22-36) Michael originally taught ‘The Supremacy of Jesus’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 3:22-36. Listen
Sermons The Necessity of Being Born Again (John 3:1-8) Michael originally taught ‘The Necessity of Being Born Again’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 3:1-8. Listen
Sermons Belief in Jesus’ Name (John 2:23-25) Michael originally taught ‘Distraction-Free Worship’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 2:12-25. Listen
Interviews The Deconstruction of Christianity Alisa Childers joins Michael to discuss her book, The Deconstruction of Christianity, and how to help loved ones struggling with their faith. Listen
Interviews Christianity Still Makes Sense Author and Apologist Bobby Conway joins Michael to discuss the case for Christianity and how our 2,000 year old faith still makes sense. Listen
Bonus Episode, The Big Book Cover to Cover Bonus Episode: 2 Peter Dr. Tom Schreiner is back on inContext to continue our discussion of Peter’s letters. Listen