Belief in Jesus’ Name (John 2:23-25)
Michael originally taught ‘Belief in Jesus’ Name’ (John 2:23-25) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- Jesus Christ knew and understood everyone He encountered, including their thoughts, intentions, and pasts.
- Belief in Jesus’ name means trusting Him and accepting His words as true, resulting in a regenerated life.
- Jesus values those who believe in Him without the need for signs or demonstrations, and He offers a deeper intimacy to those who trust Him in this way.
- True worship involves trusting and following Jesus unconditionally, even when we don’t understand or have all the answers.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“And even though Jesus knows all about us, He waits, He woos, He compels, He pursues, He spread His arms across the cross and died to prove His love for you and me. He’s saying, you may not understand it all, but if you’ll trust Me, I’ll take care of you. And that’s what faith is all about.
Jesus Christ leans towards those who trust Him without seeing. He blesses those who trust Him when they don’t know all the issues. Jesus Christ comforts those in other worldly ways rather than holding out something from God. He knows your heart. He knows my heart. It’s not what He does to prove Himself to me. It’s what I do to prove my worship for Him.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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