Ask Dr. E How Can Job Help Us With Chronic Pain? Q: Is there one thing that you learned in your three-year study of Job that helped you with chronic pain? Listen
Ask Dr. E Was Mordecai Out of The Will of God? Q: Was Mordecai out of the will of God? I have never heard this take on the uncle/cousin of Esther. What are your thoughts? Listen
Ask Dr. E Who Are You Voting For and How Should Christians Vote? Q: Who are you voting for and how should Christians vote? What does the Bible tell us about making wise political decisions? Listen
Ask Dr. E Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Q: Should Christians participate in Halloween? Are we making a big deal out of nothing or are we engaging something that is evil? Listen
Ask Dr. E Is Messianic Judaism a Valid Belief? Q: Is Messianic Judaism a valid belief? Didn’t all the apostles that were Jews convert to Christianity (believers in Christ)? Listen
Ask Dr. E Do Musical Instruments Belong in The Church? Q: Do musical instruments belong in the church? How do we reconcile the Church of Christ belief that instruments in church are wrong? Listen
Ask Dr. E Are Our Tribulations Punishment or Just The Aftermath of a Fallen World? Q: Are our tribulations punishment or just the aftermath of a fallen world? How do we discern between the two? Listen
Ask Dr. E Was Simon the Magician in Acts 8 Saved? Q: Was Simon the magician in Acts 8 actually saved or was his faith fake? Are we able to know for sure from the text? Listen
Ask Dr. E Does Isaiah 65 Support a Millennial Kingdom? Q: Does Isaiah 65 support the idea of a millennial kingdom? Or does it refer to a different time altogether? Listen
Ask Dr. E Was Jesus Fully God and Fully Man on Earth? Q: During His time on earth, was Jesus fully God and fully man or was He temporarily emptied of His divinity? Listen