In part 8 of the seek, serve, share series from Immanuel Bible Church, Michael walks through how to evangelize.
Share Him Boldly: How to Evangelize
- Believers have an opportunity to share the gospel in a time of terror.
- Changing our mindset and being ready to share the gospel is important.
- Practical tips can help turn conversations into spiritual discussions.
- Starting Bible studies and going on mission trips are effective ways to share Christ boldly.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“The bad news is we’re all sinners. The worst of the bad news is that sin means we’re separated eternally from Him and we earn death. But the good news is He loved me and He showed how much He loved me by dying for me. But the good news gets even better. You can appropriate a free gift called salvation by trusting in Jesus Christ. Then we look at Ephesians 2:8-9.
A lot of people over the years have used the illustration of trusting in a chair. They say when you sit in a chair, you trust the chair. That illustration always fell flat for me. Just never worked for me. And I thought, what is it in life that I trust? You know what I trust? I trust the brakes on my car. And the way I prove I trust them is if a kid in my neighborhood runs out in front of me, I hit the brakes harder believing if I hit them on time, I’ll stop before I have an accident or run into someone, right? I don’t check the brake fluid and the hydraulic lines every time I get in my car. I just hit the brakes.”