Ask Dr. E Will We Have Free Will in Heaven? Q: Since God loves us, He gives us free will to choose Him or not choose Him. So, will we still have free will in heaven? Listen
Ask Dr. E Can Someone Be Gay and Be a Christian? Q: I have several friends who are gay and profess to be Christians. How does that work? Can someone be gay and a Christian? Listen
Interviews REPLAY: Building Relationship With God Through Prayer Barbara Brand joins Michael to talk about building relationship with God through prayer, and the imperative obedience we are called to as believers. Listen
Ask Dr. E What is a Biblical Revival? Q: Can you discuss the revival issue? What is a Biblical revival? What fruit should a true revival bear in our lives? Listen
Sermons Evidence of Jesus (John 5:31-47) Michael originally taught ‘Evidence of Jesus’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 5:31-47. Listen
Sermons The True Son of God (John 5:19-30) Michael originally taught ‘The True Son of God’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 5:19-30. Listen
Ask Dr. E Does The Bible Affirm The Existence of Ghosts? Q: Does the Bible affirm the existence of ghosts? Who or what are the ghosts Jesus references in Luke 24:39? Listen
Interviews REPLAY: Cultivating A Praying Church Paul E. Miller joins Michael to discuss his book, A Praying Church, and the true purpose and priority of a prayer meeting. Listen
Sermons A Deeper Healing (John 5:1-17) Michael originally taught ‘A Deeper Healing’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 5:1-17. Listen
Sermons The Ultimate Miracle (John 4:46-48) Michael originally taught ‘The Ultimate Miracle’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 4:46-48. Listen