Interviews Proclaim Liberty Throughout All The Land Mark David Hall joins Michael to discuss his book, Proclaim Liberty Throughout All The Land, and the importance of American history. Listen
Ask Dr. E What Does The Bible Say About Do Not Resuscitate Orders? Q: What Does The Bible Say About Do Not Resuscitate orders? How do we seek wisdom on this subject? Listen
Interviews The Nicene Creed: An Introduction Dr. Phillip Cary joins Michael to discuss his book, The Nicene Creed: An Introduction, and Jesus, the begotten Son of God. Listen
Ask Dr. E Does Speaking in Tongues Signify Salvation? Q: Does speaking in tongues signify salvation? My family’s church teaches this but I don’t agree with this belief. Listen
Interviews How We Got Our English Bible Dr. Ed Blum joins Michael to help us understand how we got our english Bible. Listen
Ask Dr. E How Did God Put The Canon of Scripture in Place? Q: How Did God Put The Canon in Place? How did we come by 66 books instead of 73? Listen
Ask Dr. E Is God’s Presence in Hell? Q: Is God’s presence in Hell? I always thought hell was the total absence of God, but who torments satan and the beasts? Listen
Interviews Experiencing The Land of The Book Dr. Charles Dyer joins Michael to discuss experiencing the land of the Book and God’s perfect purpose for Israel. Listen
Interviews The Christian’s True Homeland Dr. J. Carl Laney joins Michael to discuss the Christians true homeland and why every believer should travel to Israel. Listen
Interviews The Value of The Holy Land Samuel Smadja joins Michael to discuss The Holy Land, The Value of Biblical Archaeology, and the impact of visiting Israel as a believer. Listen